The Limitless Change Podcast

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Episode 6: *sensitive topic* The effects of drugs & alcohol

Spoken intro: "The Limitless Change Podcast by me your host Crista Hark"

Before I start this podcast I ask you to not play this around your children, it is a sensitive topic (a very sensitive topic for myself). I will be talking about a mature topic.

Music break

In this podcast I will be talking about the effects of drugs, alcohol, & how it TRULY makes me feel like a victim & a watcher.

I have NEVER drunk alcohol OR did drugs as a teenager, yes in high school I was around for one school year around those who drank & smoked underage. They knew I would NEVER do anything to hurt my body & I let them know my standards.

This is the real first time I come out to the world what "drug" I did use, let me start at the beginning. I was 12 at the time & I was in Hawaii with my family on vacation & we stayed at the Marriott before they blocked porn out of their cable, I was going through the channels & found a show that was about showgirls somewhere in Vegas & it made me curious, not hooked yet.

The next time I was around it I was wanting to do something on the computer I am not sure if it was to play the Sims 3 or to do research for homework. I felt I needed to look at the history on the internet & I found out someone was looking at porn & I was sad that it happened, but I am glad that I listened to the Holy Spirit & saved this person from the bigger trap. I soon after got hooked in high school, I am not sure if it was at the end of junior year or at close to the end of senior year of high school.

Pornography is a type of drug, you get a high from watching & get sexual pleasure without a partner. The high wasn't enough & wanted more porn. I DID NOT watch child porn! That is a terrible crime to do that to such an innocent child who desires to play outside & be free!!! Porn WILL NEVER fill your satisfactory cup! I wanted more! I was lead by the Holy Spirit to stop (this was way before I went on a senior trip in Europe).

I read a LIFESAVING book called The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography by Wendy & Larry Maltz & I also started following Fight the New Drug.

This is how porn works found in Fight the New Drug " affects the brain in ways very similar to harmful substances, like tobacco. Studies have shown that porn stimulates the same areas of the brain as addictive drugs, making the brain release the same chemicals. And similarly to drugs, porn triggers pathways in the brain that cause craving, leading users back for more and more extreme “hits” to get high."

" ...consider how porn impacts relationships. A recent study tracked couples over a six-year period, from 2006 to 2012, to see what factors influenced the quality of their marriage and their satisfaction in intimacy. The researchers found that of all the factors considered, porn use was the second strongest indicator that marriage would suffer. And that’s just scratching the surface of the huge field of research on porn and relationships... Not only that—there is clear evidence that porn makes many consumers more likely to support violence against women, to believe that women secretly enjoy being raped, and to actually be sexually aggressive in real life."

How I got out of the porn trap:

It was hard to get out of the trap, the nasty thoughts popped up lots at night & in any way it could. I had to pray, play hymns in my head, & watch things that did not have any porn. Porn can make you think of others as objects, as a tool. It made me more aggressive, gave me a false sense of how sex works, & it affected my relationships with others!

It takes 18 months, or a year and six months to be free of the "drug". I am still porn free for 5+ years!!! I am not proud that I did this! Now as a married woman my sex life has been a bit warped, it was even more when I was at the beginning of my marriage, but some of the kinks have straightened out.

If you are stuck in a trap like this find someone that will hold you accountable to get out of this, lean on the deity you believe, seek help from a counselor, etc. anyway you can get out the better!!!

Music Break

As of recent news, Utah has allowed the use of Marijuana. I think it's great that those who are using medicinal marijuana to ease their medical ailments like cancer, those with neuropathic pain physically, diaphragm spasms, epileptic seizures, & Dravet's Syndrome.

I know people who have abused marijuana & alcohol. I believe the reason for all drug use & drinking alcohol is to take away the sadness, pain, & misery of an event that has occurred. I have a saying I ALWAYS USE to remind myself because I am human. "We as humans need to feel emotions, if we don't we are numb, motionless robots." As I have said in many episodes, we are social beings!

The effects of marijuana on the victim from the CDC:
People who are addicted to marijuana may also be at a higher risk of other negative consequences of using the drug, such as problems with attention, memory, and learning. Some people who are addicted need to smoke more and more marijuana to get the same high. It is also important to be aware that the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in marijuana (i.e., marijuana potency or strength) has increased over the past few decades. The higher the THC content, the stronger the effects on the brain.
    Marijuana use directly affects the brain — specifically the parts of the brain responsible for memory, learning, attention, decision making, coordination, emotions, and reaction time.
    Heavy users of marijuana can have short-term problems with attention, memory, and learning, which can affect relationships and mood.
     Marijuana also affects brain development. When marijuana users begin using as teenagers, the drug may reduce attention, memory, and learning functions and affect how the brain builds connections between the areas necessary for these functions.
    Marijuana’s effects on these abilities may last a long time or even be permanent. This means that someone who uses marijuana may not do as well in school and may have trouble remembering things.
    Marijuana use, especially frequent (daily or near daily) use and use in high doses, can cause disorientation, and sometimes cause unpleasant thoughts or feelings of anxiety and paranoia.
    The known health risks of secondhand exposure to cigarette smoke—to the heart or lungs, for instance—raise questions about whether secondhand exposure to marijuana smoke poses similar health risks. While there is very little data on the health consequences of breathing secondhand marijuana smoke, there is concern that it could cause harmful health effects, including among children.
    Recent studies have found strong associations between those who said there was someone in the home who used marijuana or a caretaker who used marijuana and the child having detectable levels of THC — the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Children exposed to the psychoactive compounds in marijuana are potentially at risk for negative health effects, including developmental problems for babies whose mothers used marijuana while pregnant. Other research shows that marijuana use during adolescence can impact the developing teenage brain and cause problems with attention, motivation, and memory.
    Marijuana users are significantly more likely than non-users to develop temporary psychosis (not knowing what is real, hallucinations, and paranoia) and long-lasting mental disorders, including schizophrenia (a type of mental illness where people might see or hear things that aren’t really there).
    Marijuana use has also been linked to depression and anxiety, and suicide among teens. However, it is not known whether this is a causal relationship or simply an association.
    Edibles, or food and drink products infused with marijuana and eaten, have some different risks than smoking marijuana, including a greater risk of poisoning. Unlike smoked marijuana, edibles can:
    Take from 30 minutes to 2 hours to take effect. So some people eat too much, which can lead to poisoning and/or serious injury.
    Cause effects that last longer than expected depending on the amount, the last food eaten, and medications or alcohol used at the same time.
    The amount of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, is very difficult to measure and is often unknown in edible products. Many users can be caught off-guard by the strength and long-lasting effects of edibles.
    It is also important to remember that marijuana affects children differently than adults. Since marijuana has become legal in some states, children have accidentally eaten marijuana products that looked like candy and treats, which made them sick enough to need emergency medical care.

Honestly I don't think it is OK to drink or smoke in front of children, the effects that marijuana secondhand smoke around children!

Here is evidence of secondhand marijuana smoke affecting non-smokers & children from the National Institute on Drug Abuse:

"People often ask about the possible psychoactive effect of exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke and whether a person who has inhaled secondhand marijuana smoke could fail a drug test. Researchers measured the amount of THC in the blood of people who do not smoke marijuana and had spent 3 hours in a well-ventilated space with people casually smoking marijuana; THC was present in the blood of the nonsmoking participants, but the amount was well below the level needed to fail a drug test. Another study that varied the levels of ventilation and the potency of the marijuana found that some nonsmoking participants exposed for an hour to high-THC marijuana (11.3 percent THC concentration) in an un-ventilated room showed positive urine assays in the hours directly following exposure; a follow-up study showed that nonsmoking people in a confined space with people smoking high-THC marijuana reported mild subjective effects of the drug—a "contact high"—and displayed mild impairments on performance in motor tasks.

The known health risks of secondhand exposure to cigarette smoke—to the heart or lungs, for instance—raise questions about whether secondhand exposure to marijuana smoke poses similar health risks. At this point, very little research on this question has been conducted. A 2016 study in rats found that secondhand exposure to marijuana smoke affected a measure of blood vessel function as much as secondhand tobacco smoke, and the effects lasted longer. One minute of exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke impaired flow-mediated dilation (the extent to which arteries enlarge in response to increased blood flow) of the femoral artery that lasted for at least 90 minutes; impairment from 1 minute of secondhand tobacco exposure was recovered within 30 minutes. The effects of marijuana smoke were independent of THC concentration; i.e., when THC was removed, the impairment was still present. This research has not yet been conducted with human subjects, but the toxins and tar levels are known to be present in marijuana smoke (see “What are marijuana’s effects on lung health?”) raise concerns about exposure among vulnerable populations, such as children and people with asthma."

Music Break

My maternal grandfather & uncle were alcoholics. My grandfather served in the military during WW 1/2 & as a way to cope with the awful scenes with PTSD they would drink alcohol, which was prescribed by a doctor or they self-medicated. My grandfather was also a closet alcoholic who was sick for most of his life. My uncle, well he's had a hard life. He did drugs & alcohol & suffers from those effect years after he stopped his consumption.

I don't remember anyone drinking alcohol heavily around me like at parties extended family members were holding. I used to be curious about what it would be like to drink alcohol, but ever since I took my medical anatomy class & others around me trying it I've never wanted to try it.

In medical anatomy I was taught that the liver breaks down by the alcohol & can become Steatosis, or fatty liver & I did not want to have medical ailments that I could prevent in the future.

Here is the evidence that supports my thinking from the National Institute of Alcohol abuse & Alcoholism:
Drinking too much – on a single occasion or over time – can take a serious toll on your health.  Here’s how alcohol can effects the body:

Alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways and can affect the way the brain looks and works. These disruptions can change mood and behavior, and make it harder to think clearly and move with coordination.

Drinking a lot over a long time or too much on a single occasion can damage the heart, causing problems including:
Cardiomyopathy – Stretching and drooping of heart muscle
Arrhythmias – Irregular heart beat
High blood pressure

Heavy drinking takes a toll on the liver and can lead to a variety of problems and liver inflammations including:
Steatosis, or fatty liver
Alcoholic hepatitis

Alcohol causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances that can eventually lead to pancreatitis, a dangerous inflammation and swelling of the blood vessels in the pancreas that prevents proper digestion.

Based on extensive reviews of research studies, there is a strong scientific consensus of an association between alcohol drinking and several types of cancer. In its Report on Carcinogens, the National Toxicology Program of the US Department of Health and Human Services lists consumption of alcoholic beverages as a known human carcinogen. The research evidence indicates that the more alcohol a person drinks—particularly the more alcohol a person drinks regularly over time—the higher his or her risk of developing alcohol-associated cancer. Based on data from 2009, an estimated 3.5 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States (about 19,500 deaths) were alcohol-related.

Clear patterns have emerged between alcohol consumption and the development of the following types of cancer:

Head and neck cancer: Alcohol consumption is a major risk factor for certain head and neck cancers, particularly cancers of the oral cavity (excluding the lips), pharynx (throat), and larynx (voice box). People who consume 50 or more grams of alcohol per day (approximately 3.5 or more drinks per day) have at least a two to three times greater risk of developing these cancers than nondrinkers. Moreover, the risks of these cancers are substantially higher among persons who consume this amount of alcohol and also use tobacco.

Esophageal cancer: Alcohol consumption is a major risk factor for a particular type of esophageal cancer called esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. In addition, people who inherit a deficiency in an enzyme that metabolizes alcohol have been found to have substantially increased risks of alcohol-related esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

 Alcohol consumption is an independent risk factor for, and a primary cause of, liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma). (Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus are the other major causes of liver cancer.)

More than 100 epidemiologic studies have looked at the association between alcohol consumption and the risk of breast cancer in women. These studies have consistently found an increased risk of breast cancer associated with increasing alcohol intake. A meta-analysis of 53 of these studies (which included a total of 58,000 women with breast cancer) showed that women who drank more than 45 grams of alcohol per day (approximately three drinks) had 1.5 times the risk of developing breast cancer as nondrinkers (a modestly increased risk). The risk of breast cancer was higher across all levels of alcohol intake: for every 10 grams of alcohol consumed per day (slightly less than one drink), researchers observed a small (7 percent) increase in the risk of breast cancer.  The Million Women Study in the United Kingdom (which included more than 28,000 women with breast cancer) provided a more recent, and slightly higher, estimate of breast cancer risk at low to moderate levels of alcohol consumption: every 10 grams of alcohol consumed per day were associated with a 12 percent increase in the risk of breast cancer.

Alcohol consumption is associated with a modestly increased risk of cancers of the colon and rectum. A meta-analysis of 57 cohort and case-control studies that examined the association between alcohol consumption and colorectal cancer risk showed that people who regularly drank 50 or more grams of alcohol per day (approximately 3.5 drinks) had 1.5 times the risk of developing colorectal cancer as nondrinkers or occasional drinkers. For every 10 grams of alcohol consumed per day, there was a small (7 percent) increase in the risk of colorectal cancer.

Drinking too much can weaken your immune system, making your body a much easier target for disease.  Chronic drinkers are more liable to contract diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis than people who do not drink too much.  Drinking a lot on a single occasion slows your body’s ability to ward off infections – even up to 24 hours after getting drunk.

 The reason why I am doing this podcast is that I was told by Father in Heaven to do this, I CARE ABOUT YOU, I want you to be TRULY happy, & I want you to REALLY consider your option if you do try these!

I know for a fact using these can affect the relationships around us!  I don't want my children to suffer from the effects of secondhand smoke, porn, alcohol, or anything similar in this nature or taking away the feelings that Heavenly Father has put in us to feel pain & joy. (I don't mind the use of any extracts in cakes & food or any alcohol that is cooked out). I know I can't make my children stop if they start using any drugs or alcohol because even though I am their parent Heavenly Father has given them agency to choose, I can only do my best to teach them right from wrong, but I'd rather express my true feelings about these subjects &  be hated for it than not.

I believe they know better & just want the pain to be taken away & to be temporarily happy when there is greater happiness around the corner if they persevere to the end of the sadness, self-loathing, & self-harm. I have been uncomfortable at times with these types of issues. I don't feel safe if drugs or alcohol are brought into or around the home, that is a safe place for my children, for me, for others, a place for no judgment & lots of love!!!

I know in the end that the Savior, Jesus Christ will take all their pains, their disappointments, & grief away. I know that the Savior will take my pains , disappointments, sadness, & anger because I still come to him daily for the spiritual water I desire day in & day out.

If you need help getting out of these here are the links to help groups:


Thank you so much for listening to my podcast!

You can find me under Facebook: @coachlimitless11 & Instagram: @coachlimitless11

I have free health & wellness group happening monthly, you can find it by clicking Book Now to join my free boot camp on Facebook or link in my bio on Instagram.

It would mean the world to me if you could share this broadcast & how it has helped you! It helps me by you telling & broadcasting to the world that you are listening!  Thank you so much!!!

You can find me on iTunes Podcast, & Spreaker!
Also, I am still under review for Spotify!!! Look for it soon to come on live!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Episode 5: General Conference: What it is, How to Prepare for Conference, & What I Got From it

Spoken intro: "The Limitless Change Podcast by me your host Crista Hark"

In this podcast I will be explaining what General Conference is, how to prepare for it, & what I got out of it.

Music Break

General Conference is a annual conference where the first presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the quorum of the 12 apostles, & other general authority meet to broadcast to the world what amazing things will come to pass in these years to come with inspiration & guidance, what to heed from, how we can be better to one another, how to become stronger in every way & many more wonderful & glorious things!

General Conference starts on Saturday morning from 10 am to 12 pm (MST) & 2pm to 4 pm (MST), then the men or women (depending on the season) get together & get insight & inspiration from brethren & sisters who prepare for their talks (or speeches) by lots of prayers, fasting, & guidance from the Holy Spirit. And begins again on Sunday at those same times, either from home on the television, on your smartphone, at a church center, or LITERALLY at the conferences center where they broadcast the live session.

Music Break
How to prepare for General Conference:
  • Write down any questions you have
  • Take notes of any quotes or things the leaders say
  • Learn about the church & the leaders that lead it
  • Analyze the promised blessing from watching or listening to General Conference
  • Get comfy & cozy in your pj's OR change into church clothes (button up shirt, slack, & or tie OR polo & slacks OR shirt & skirt OR dress, whichever you prefer)
Music Break

 Here's what I got out of general conference, I got some, not quite a lot. I had my oldest son running around calling for me to help him with something he needed to do or wanted, my youngest son was tired & clingy, so I tried to listen to all the talks but only wrote a few I need to listen to again & some quotes I wrote down.

I will be not reading my questions off because they are personal to me.

I will share some quotes.

I believe all the talks are wonderful & some talks will  vibe, coincide, synchronize with things happening in your life, feelings you have had, or advice you need to heed! These specific ones below I wanted to listen to again.

Read talks by  Elder Ulisses Soares, Sister Becky Craven, & President Jeffery R. Holland again.

"Our purpose as we seek to learn and to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ must be to increase faith in God and in His divine plan of happiness and in Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice and to achieve lasting conversion. Such increased faith and conversion will help us make and keep covenants with God, thus strengthening our desire to follow Jesus and producing a genuine spiritual transformation in us—in other words, transforming us into a new creature, as taught by the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Corinthians. This transformation will bring us a more happy, productive, and healthy life and help us to maintain an eternal perspective. Isn’t this exactly what happened to the Ethiopian eunuch after he learned about the Savior and was converted to His gospel? The scripture says that “he went on his way rejoicing.'” - Elder Ulisses Soares
"Brothers and sisters, our actions must reflect what we learn and teach. We need to show our beliefs through the way we live. The best teacher is a good role model. Teaching something that we truly live can make a difference in the hearts of those we teach. If we desire people, whether that be family or not, to joyfully treasure up the scriptures and the teachings of living apostles and prophets of our day, they need to see our souls delighting in them. Likewise, if we want them to know that President Russell M. Nelson is the prophet, seer, and revelator in our day, they need to see us raise our hands to sustain him and realize that we follow his inspired teachings. As the well-known American saying goes, 'Actions speak louder than words.'" - Elder Ulisses Soares
"Maybe some of you are at this exact moment asking yourselves, 'Elder Soares, I have been doing all these things and have been following this model both individually and as a family, but unfortunately, some of my friends or dear ones have distanced themselves from the Lord. What should I do?' For those of you who are right now experiencing these feelings of sadness, agony, and maybe regret, please know that they are not totally lost because the Lord knows where they are and is watching over them. Remember, they are His children too!"  - Elder Ulisses Soares
"It is hard to understand all the reasons why some people take another path. The best we can do in these circumstances is just to love and embrace them, pray for their well-being, and seek for the Lord’s help to know what to do and say. Sincerely rejoice with them in their successes; be their friends and look for the good in them. We should never give up on them but preserve our relationships. Never reject or misjudge them. Just love them! The parable of the prodigal son teaches us that when children come to themselves, they often desire to come home. If that happens with your dear ones, fill your hearts with compassion, run to them, fall on their neck, and kiss them, like the father of the prodigal son did. "  - Elder Ulisses Soares
"Ultimately, keep living a worthy life, be a good example to them of what you believe, and draw closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ. He knows and understands our deep sorrows and pains, and He will bless your efforts and dedication to your dear ones if not in this life, in the next life. Remember, brothers and sisters, always that hope is an important part of the gospel plan."  - Elder Ulisses Soares

"Although we may encounter occasional obstacles along the way, this path will keep us moving toward our prized eternal destination if we stay firmly on it." - Sister Becky Craven
"...are we careful or casual?" - Sister Becky Craven
"...there is not a right way to do the wrong thing!" - Sister Becky Craven
"As a covenant people, we are not meant to blend in with the rest of the world. We have been called 'a peculiar people'—what a compliment!" - Sister Becky Craven
"Are we careful in our language? Or do we casually embrace the crude and vulgar?"  - Sister Becky Craven
"I once saw a sign in a store window that said, “Happiness, $15.00.” I was so curious to know how much happiness I could buy for $15 then I went inside to see. What I found was a lot of cheap trinkets and souvenirs—not one thing I saw could possibly bring me the type of happiness that the sign implied! Over the years, I’ve thought many times about that sign and how easy it can be to look for happiness in items that are cheap or temporary. ...Can happiness be bought with $15? No, it can’t. Deep and lasting happiness comes by intentionally and carefully living the gospel of Jesus Christ." - Sister Becky Craven

When I listened to this talk I got good exerpts, but now since I have read it one quote stuck out at me "Are we careful in our language? Or do we casually embrace the crude and vulgar?". I have not been as careful with my language! I swear too often & I want to not blend into the crowd like most people do (I think that is pretty mundane)! I have been striving to use "mormon" swear words(mind you the church I belong to has changed it's name for the members, we are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) & it has been helping A LOT!!!

I for sure will be listening or reading more conference talks!


Thank you so much for listening to my podcast!

You can find me under Facebook: @coachlimitless11 & Instagram: @coachlimitless11

I have a FREE Health & Wellness Challenge Group happening monthly, you can find it by clicking Book Now to join my FREE Health & Wellness Challenge Group on Facebook or link in my bio on Instagram.

Please add in the comments what you would like to know more about & how this is impacting your life!

It would mean the world to me if you could share this broadcast & how it has helped you! It helps me by you telling & broadcasting to the world that you are listening!  Thank you so much!!!

You can find me on iTunes Podcast, & Spreaker!
Also, I am still under review for Spotify!!! Look for it soon to come on live!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Episode 4: How to Reignite the Spark of Creativity

Spoken intro: "The Limitless Change Podcast by me your host Crista Hark"

In this podcast I will be talking about how to reignite your creativity through my own experiences!

"Creativity means that you're never stuck, because you're always inventing ways to keep moving forward. But, it's also possible to be too resourceful, overlooking obvious solutions & creating more work than is necessary." that quote is by Shaun T: T is for Transformation

Ways I spark my creative juices
  • I took a break from the mundane, repetitive tasks
  • I practiced mindfulness
  • I meditated
  • I looked to the past
  • I wrote down my dreams
  • Learned about cultures 
  • I trying new things
  • I got out of my zone
  • I was guided by the Holy Spirit
Mind you I am a mother & tasks are typically mundane almost always (unless you are one of those great souls who put fun activities into your children's day).

I know for myself I dislike repetitive tasks! I am a free spirit who thrives in spontaneity & typically get tired & burnt out quickly. I usually start a project & strive to finish it, but don't, that's when I use my determination to finish a project. I am a fighter of depression & anxiety, with my anxiety I feel like I am a dog on a leash tied to a pole stuck in the ground & running around in a circle (or the lawn mower video that went around in a circle by itself). I typically have to write down any ideas down so I do not forget them.

It was February of 2019 when I took a 10 day fast from social media that the prophet of the church I attend suggested & that's where I started my practice of mindfulness. I am not on the track of mindfulness at the moment & I know I will probably be doing a 10 day fast off of social media. I suggest to all those who are listening to try!!! As a result of the 10 day fast it has helped me focus more on my family, my time, getting my spiritual cup filled, more time one on one with my children, I meditated more, I felt more invigorated, more creative, & I got more things done that I needed to as a wife & a mother. After my 10 day fast was over I did not want to get back into social media, I would just post & leave without checking other's stories, feeds, & or profiles.

I cannot stress this enough, hop off social media for 10 days & tell me if it has made a difference in your life in the comments!!!

As I have looked to my past I found things I liked to do as a little girl that helped me rekindle it. I use to LOVE to sing & dance, play new caster, record myself on a casette tapes, rollerblade, sing in covered music videos I created, and many more. I am now doing what I did as a little girl I dance around my home, sing loud & proud, I do play newscaster ish as a podcaster, I do cover a workout program as a health & wellness coach, and still do lots more!

I will never forget this wonderful class I have taken in my high-school & if they have a program at your school like this, I recommend it STRONGLY!!! The class I took was called "Price of Prejudice" we dove in on what happens when we have prejudices about someone's race, religion, gender, political views, & how it can ruin a society, a community, & a home. My teacher every month would give us a project to write a paper of an authentic restaurant or meal you have eaten and write about the taste & experience you had. She showed us proof of the tragedy of segregation, World War 1, 2, Japanese internment camps in the USA, & many more & how it is a HUGE price to pay for having incivility to one another! I am grateful to her and showing me and teaching me more about the others around me & how to be more kind to my fellow men.

I wrote down my dreams, there can be A LOT of crazy and weird things that may spark your creativity. I know for myself my dreams at night are TOO real! I write down my dreams so I can decipher what is going to happen & what I am going to do with my life  with the guidance from my Heavenly Father & the Holy Spirit. I use this book to help me with deciphering 12,00 Dreams Interpreted: A New Edition for the 21st Century by Gustavus Hindman Miller & Lenore Skomal

Finding things to try is kind of difficult, so I have made a list of 15 things you can try!
  1. Authentic foods of different places
  2. Celebrating a cultures holiday (Holi, Palm Sunday, Yule, etc.)
  3. Making new friends of a different culture or race
  4. Go to the zoo
  5. Go to a museum
  6. Climb a mountain
  7. Bake a treat for your next door neighbor who you don't even know
  8. Create a care kit for the homeless
  9. Sing songs to the elderly in the assisted living
  10. Send a sweet letter to those who you are thinking of
  11. Volunteer at an animal shelter, hospital, assisted living, etc.
  12. Help others see the potential strength they have
  13. Go a different route home
  14. Part your hair differently
  15. Create an outfit & post a picture of it on social media
Most of the time I get my creative juices from the Holy Spirit, I ALWAYS strive to listen to his little promptings on what I should do. I have thought about making a podcast for about 2 years into my health & wellness coaching business because it has helped more coaches get out of the starting gate with zero support & accountability customers & coaches to TONS of  support & accountability customers & coaches & that's where I wish to be with my podcast & my business. I know that I am supposed to make this podcast to help many men & women out of the problems & to have the confidence to rise above & become limitless (hence The LIMITLESS change podcast). I would not be podcasting now or probably ever if I did not have the guidance of the Holy Spirit as a wife, a mother, a podcaster, a lightworker, a healer, a green & lunar witch, & a daughter of God. I am ever grateful for it because when it comes to proper parenting for my family I am pretty clueless without the companion of the Holy Spirit!!!


Thank you so much for listening to my podcast!

You can find me under Facebook: @coachlimitless11 & Instagram: @coachlimitless11

I have free health & wellness group happening monthly, you can find it by clicking Book Now to join my free boot camp on Facebook or link in my bio on Instagram.

It would mean the world to me if you could share this broadcast & how it has helped you! It helps me by you telling & broadcasting to the world that you are listening!  Thank you so much!!!

You can find me on iTunes Podcast, & Spreaker!
Also, I am still under review for Spotify!!! Look for it soon to come on live!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

2019 Event Calendar

April 2019
2nd: Episode 3: All the Lonely People
8th to 22nd: Free health & wellness group
9th: Episode 4: How to Reignite the Spark of Creativity
16th: Episode 5: General Conference: What it is, How to Prepare for Conference, & What I Got From it
23rd: Episode 6: *sensitive topic* The effects of drugs & alcohol
30th: No podcast

6th to 20th: No podcast
 Free health & wellness group
7th: Episode 7: Motherhood & the effects it has on me
14th: Episode 8:
21st: Episode 9:
28th: Episode 10: Celebration time!

3rd to 17th: Free health & wellness group
4th: Episode 11:
11th: Episode 12:
18th: Episode 13:
25th: Episode 14:

2nd: Episode 15:
8th to 22nd: Free health & wellness group
9th: Episode 16:
11th to 14th: Coach Summit
16th: Episode 17: Full moon
23rd: Episode 18:
30th: Episode 19:

5th to 19th: Free health & wellness group
6th: Episode 20:
13th: Episode 21:
20th: Episode 22:
27th: Episode 23:

3rd: Episode 24:
9th to 23rd: Free health & wellness group
10th: Episode 25:
17th: Episode 26:
24th: Episode 27:

1st: Episode 29:
7th to 21st: Free health & wellness group
8th: Episode 30:
15th: Episode
22nd: Episode
29th: Episode

4th to 18th: Free health & wellness group
5th: Election day & Episode:
12th: Episode
19th: Episode
26th: No episode this week due to thanksgiving on the 28th

3rd: Episode
9th to 23rd: Free health & wellness group
10th: Episode
17th: Episode
24th: No episode this week due to Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Episode 3: All The Lonely People

Spoken intro: "The Limitless Change Podcast by me your host Crista Hark"

 In this podcast I will be talking about this impactful epidemic that is hitting everywhere and how we can solve it with examples, videos, & stories in my show notes about it.

Music Break

Listen to Eleanor Rigby By The Beatles before you listen or read the show notes.

There is as HUGE epidemic happening in society these days Einstein feared this day would occur "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction..." We have gone blind to having conversations, interacting with others (including family members), giving service, calling or video chatting, visiting the elderly, etc. WE NEED HUMAN INTERACTION!!! We are a social society! 

"Loneliness and social isolation can be as damaging to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, researchers warned in a recent webcast, and the problem is particularly acute among seniors, especially during holidays.
Two in five Americans report that they sometimes or always feel their social relationships are not meaningful, and one in five say they feel lonely or socially isolated. The lack of connection can have life threatening consequences, said Brigham Young University professor Julianne Holt-Lunstad, who testified before the U.S. Senate in April, 2017 that the problem is structural as well as psychological.
For example, the average household size in the U.S. has declined in the past decade, leading to a 10 percent increase in people living alone. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over a quarter of the U.S. population -- and 28 percent of older adults -- now live by themselves." this is from the Health Resources & Services Association

Here's some videos I want you to watch :

I think another problem we have is with rejection like when we want to be around others & have a conversation we fail to call them because we fear that we will be annoying, that is not the case, WE ALL NEED TO GET OUT OF OUR FEAR ZONE AND SOCIALIZE. Also another rejection we need to get over when someone rejects you for a play date, ask if there is a different day the want to schedule. There have been many a times where someone has randomly asked me out of the blue if at that moment if my kids & I are free to come to the park to play. I would reply that I was busy either at the doctors or out shopping, or whatever. The would either ask what day & time is good & fall through or not ask what day would work & I would automatically tell them I am free on so & so day. When I do this I am not rejecting anyone for a one time play, I like my family & I like to be thought of, EVERYONE DOES!!!

Please bug me if you are bugged about something, want to chat, or wanting to have our kids to have a play date!!!

I know for myself while growing up I was thrown into the zone called "Play dates" where my mother would ask who I wanted to have a play date with & she would call them up to see if the were available to play. Now picture me in my pre-teen/teen years I had times where I wanted to hang out with friends and times where I didn't because I needed to revive my energy or do homework which is what I got a lot of in middle school. I knew I was probably extroverted because I loved to be social at gatherings, but by the end of the gathering I would be exhausted due to my introverted nature. I now know I am an introverted extrovert loud & proud!
I know with just my personality, I can conform to any type, for example in Dressing Your Truth by Carol Tuttle a wonderful course I tried for free and upgraded I am a type 1, which is the chameleon that can conform to any personality or circumstance. An example of being a type 1 is animated, bright, carefree, exciting, festive, idyllic, jubilant, light, playful, radiant, spirited, uncomplicated, vivid, youthful, &  zestful (there are lots more but I put in as much I wanted without drowning it).  I do have a secondary type and that is the one that can change a lot from being an active, reactive type 3 to a fluid, flowing type 2 & to a constant & still type 4.

This sums ups how I am today.
"I can be super silly around people that I'm close too, but I'm very reserved around people whom I'm not comfortable with. I'm the kind of person who can be very quiet and laid back, and then randomly bust out dancing or laughing like a cackling hen. Sometimes people don't really know how to take me... I was going to post something on my Facebook page. I had it all typed out and uploaded my pictures, then I just couldn't bring myself to post it. It's like part of me says "yes" and the other part of me says "no"! Now, I know that we should always lead with our type 1 energy, but I also know that our secondary energy is what helps to balance us out. It naturally feels easier to just go with what feels the lightest, which is "no", so I didn't post it. My type 1 says " be carefree and fun" and my secondary 4 says "calm down and be serious"! When it comes to making decisions about a purchase or just making everyday choices, I have no reservation there. I always know what I want and where I want to go. I'm very much my own authority... my being reserved only deals with 'social issues'. Even on..." Facebook "..., sometimes I feel like sharing topics like this, then I back out. Sometimes I feel like it just takes too much effort to put myself out there...."
"My little 3 year old niece is a 1/4 and she is just like me in social settings. If she is comfortable with you, then she acts so silly and fun. If she doesn't feel comfortable with you, she becomes very reserved and disconnects. She intuitively does this on her own... because 'it's just her nature'." 
a great friend of mine posted this in a Facebook page I am in and this is my current situation right now.

I know I have got to get out of my comfort zone & have conversations with people that make me uncomfortable & there are lots of people in my current situation struggling with loneliness!

Music Break

The cure for all the lonely people (including me)!
  • Make something to greet the neighbors that moved in next door
  • Call an old friend from middle school
  • Shoot a message through messenger letting someone know you are thinking of them
  • Video call your grandparents once a week to see the progress of your home, children, project, pregnancy, etc.
  • Set a goal for talking to at least 2 people a day that are not in your comfort zone
  • Make friends with your son's best friend's mom
  • Go on group dates (or just dates) with different couples & people
  • Talk to family members often
"The good news is that friendships reduce the risk of mortality or developing certain diseases and can speed recovery in those who fall ill. Moreover, simply reaching out to lonely people can jump-start the process of getting them to engage with neighbors and peers, according to Robin Caruso of CareMore Health, which operates in 8 states and the District of Columbia with a focus on Medicare patients. Her "Togetherness" initiative aims to combat 'an epidemic of loneliness' among seniors through weekly phone calls, home visits and community programs." from the Health Resources & Services Association


Thank you so much for listening to my podcast!

You can find me under Facebook: @coachlimitless11 & Instagram: @coachlimitless11

I have free health & wellness group happening monthly, you can find it by clicking Book Now to join my free boot camp on Facebook or link in my bio on Instagram.

It would mean the world to me if you could share this broadcast & how it has helped you! It helps me by you telling & broadcasting to the world that you are listening!  Thank you so much!!!

You can find me on iTunes Podcast, & Spreaker!
Also, I am still under review for Spotify!!! Look for it soon to come on live!!!