The Limitless Change Podcast

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Episode 3: All The Lonely People

Spoken intro: "The Limitless Change Podcast by me your host Crista Hark"

 In this podcast I will be talking about this impactful epidemic that is hitting everywhere and how we can solve it with examples, videos, & stories in my show notes about it.

Music Break

Listen to Eleanor Rigby By The Beatles before you listen or read the show notes.

There is as HUGE epidemic happening in society these days Einstein feared this day would occur "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction..." We have gone blind to having conversations, interacting with others (including family members), giving service, calling or video chatting, visiting the elderly, etc. WE NEED HUMAN INTERACTION!!! We are a social society! 

"Loneliness and social isolation can be as damaging to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, researchers warned in a recent webcast, and the problem is particularly acute among seniors, especially during holidays.
Two in five Americans report that they sometimes or always feel their social relationships are not meaningful, and one in five say they feel lonely or socially isolated. The lack of connection can have life threatening consequences, said Brigham Young University professor Julianne Holt-Lunstad, who testified before the U.S. Senate in April, 2017 that the problem is structural as well as psychological.
For example, the average household size in the U.S. has declined in the past decade, leading to a 10 percent increase in people living alone. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over a quarter of the U.S. population -- and 28 percent of older adults -- now live by themselves." this is from the Health Resources & Services Association

Here's some videos I want you to watch :

I think another problem we have is with rejection like when we want to be around others & have a conversation we fail to call them because we fear that we will be annoying, that is not the case, WE ALL NEED TO GET OUT OF OUR FEAR ZONE AND SOCIALIZE. Also another rejection we need to get over when someone rejects you for a play date, ask if there is a different day the want to schedule. There have been many a times where someone has randomly asked me out of the blue if at that moment if my kids & I are free to come to the park to play. I would reply that I was busy either at the doctors or out shopping, or whatever. The would either ask what day & time is good & fall through or not ask what day would work & I would automatically tell them I am free on so & so day. When I do this I am not rejecting anyone for a one time play, I like my family & I like to be thought of, EVERYONE DOES!!!

Please bug me if you are bugged about something, want to chat, or wanting to have our kids to have a play date!!!

I know for myself while growing up I was thrown into the zone called "Play dates" where my mother would ask who I wanted to have a play date with & she would call them up to see if the were available to play. Now picture me in my pre-teen/teen years I had times where I wanted to hang out with friends and times where I didn't because I needed to revive my energy or do homework which is what I got a lot of in middle school. I knew I was probably extroverted because I loved to be social at gatherings, but by the end of the gathering I would be exhausted due to my introverted nature. I now know I am an introverted extrovert loud & proud!
I know with just my personality, I can conform to any type, for example in Dressing Your Truth by Carol Tuttle a wonderful course I tried for free and upgraded I am a type 1, which is the chameleon that can conform to any personality or circumstance. An example of being a type 1 is animated, bright, carefree, exciting, festive, idyllic, jubilant, light, playful, radiant, spirited, uncomplicated, vivid, youthful, &  zestful (there are lots more but I put in as much I wanted without drowning it).  I do have a secondary type and that is the one that can change a lot from being an active, reactive type 3 to a fluid, flowing type 2 & to a constant & still type 4.

This sums ups how I am today.
"I can be super silly around people that I'm close too, but I'm very reserved around people whom I'm not comfortable with. I'm the kind of person who can be very quiet and laid back, and then randomly bust out dancing or laughing like a cackling hen. Sometimes people don't really know how to take me... I was going to post something on my Facebook page. I had it all typed out and uploaded my pictures, then I just couldn't bring myself to post it. It's like part of me says "yes" and the other part of me says "no"! Now, I know that we should always lead with our type 1 energy, but I also know that our secondary energy is what helps to balance us out. It naturally feels easier to just go with what feels the lightest, which is "no", so I didn't post it. My type 1 says " be carefree and fun" and my secondary 4 says "calm down and be serious"! When it comes to making decisions about a purchase or just making everyday choices, I have no reservation there. I always know what I want and where I want to go. I'm very much my own authority... my being reserved only deals with 'social issues'. Even on..." Facebook "..., sometimes I feel like sharing topics like this, then I back out. Sometimes I feel like it just takes too much effort to put myself out there...."
"My little 3 year old niece is a 1/4 and she is just like me in social settings. If she is comfortable with you, then she acts so silly and fun. If she doesn't feel comfortable with you, she becomes very reserved and disconnects. She intuitively does this on her own... because 'it's just her nature'." 
a great friend of mine posted this in a Facebook page I am in and this is my current situation right now.

I know I have got to get out of my comfort zone & have conversations with people that make me uncomfortable & there are lots of people in my current situation struggling with loneliness!

Music Break

The cure for all the lonely people (including me)!
  • Make something to greet the neighbors that moved in next door
  • Call an old friend from middle school
  • Shoot a message through messenger letting someone know you are thinking of them
  • Video call your grandparents once a week to see the progress of your home, children, project, pregnancy, etc.
  • Set a goal for talking to at least 2 people a day that are not in your comfort zone
  • Make friends with your son's best friend's mom
  • Go on group dates (or just dates) with different couples & people
  • Talk to family members often
"The good news is that friendships reduce the risk of mortality or developing certain diseases and can speed recovery in those who fall ill. Moreover, simply reaching out to lonely people can jump-start the process of getting them to engage with neighbors and peers, according to Robin Caruso of CareMore Health, which operates in 8 states and the District of Columbia with a focus on Medicare patients. Her "Togetherness" initiative aims to combat 'an epidemic of loneliness' among seniors through weekly phone calls, home visits and community programs." from the Health Resources & Services Association


Thank you so much for listening to my podcast!

You can find me under Facebook: @coachlimitless11 & Instagram: @coachlimitless11

I have free health & wellness group happening monthly, you can find it by clicking Book Now to join my free boot camp on Facebook or link in my bio on Instagram.

It would mean the world to me if you could share this broadcast & how it has helped you! It helps me by you telling & broadcasting to the world that you are listening!  Thank you so much!!!

You can find me on iTunes Podcast, & Spreaker!
Also, I am still under review for Spotify!!! Look for it soon to come on live!!!

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